Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Glucose Test

The dreaded glucose test is here again - Friday AM to be exact. I haven't taken a glucose test since 5 months ago, upon which I failed it. My glucose level back in my 4th week of pregnancy was 211, and that was fasting. I know, very high and very shameful. Glucose levels should be under 90-120 fasting. Unfortunately, diabetes and gestational diabetes runs in my mom's side of the family. Of course I cannot fully blame my genes, my high-sweets diet didn't help anything. Candy, desserts, pastries, ice cream, gelato - we're a huge part of my diet before knowing that I got knocked up. I've since had a medical nutritionist help me with a low-sugar /low-carb diet. Sucks right? There's nothing worse than a pregnant momma on a diet. Anyway, I'm okay with it now (i cried and whined when i found out i had to go on a diet). I actually feel pretty damn healthy for the first time since high school. No alcohol and a low sugar/ low-carb diet will do it.

Normally a pregnant lady doesn't take a glucose test until 6 months or 24 weeks. Well, I'm 24 weeks pregnant and I have to take the damn test again.... sheeeit. Am I scared that I will fail it? YES. For the first 4 months of my pregnancy I was pretty good at following the diet. From finger pricks, my glucose levels post prandial were 92 and 99 during my 2nd and 3rd month of pregnancy.

However, I think there's a big chance that I'll fail it again b/c if you recall my posts from around my bday Aug1 and Aug2 - all I talked about was birthday cakes, pies, cupcakes, etc... Well, needless to say, for the whole month of August my low-sugar, low-carb diet was followed rather loosely. Hey! It was my bday month, we had a ton of house guests, we went up to the bay area, and it was the summer! And recently, I regressed back to eating candy and chocolate truffles to get me through countless all-nighters for my thesis. I know, it's no excuse.

If I fail it again, then I have to take the just-shoot-me-now 3-hr glucose test, which entails fasting the night before (which im ok with), and drinking an overly sugary and nasty glucose drink, and having blood drawn after the first 30 minutes, then after 1st hour, 2nd hour, and 3rd hour. I'd have to stay in the lab the whole time too, can't even go outside. Oh my God, I'm scared.

24 week update - Momma Piggie Pregnancy Stats:
  • how momma is feeling: Pretty good! a lil tired from thesis process but in general - energetic=D
  • diet: lately, I snuck in a mooncake to celebrate "Chinese Moon Festival" haha, but other than that still trying to stay healthy with consuming tonz of soymilk,plenty of protein like eggs, ribs, protein bars, almonds, and fruits&veggies
    • btw, we had Morton's for the first time last Friday after I submitted my thesis and after Chuperman took a shelf exam for IM and psychiatry. I was SUPER exhausted and almost didn't want to go but of course I'm glad i made it out. Morton's was pretty good actually! The atmosphere was more laid-back than I thought and the food was good. Our waiter is Hawaiian and was super nice to us. I think I still like Fleming's better but Morton's ain't bad. The jumbo shrimps were amazing! Thanks Karen for recommending.
  • weight gained: 11 lbs (again, if i didn't have GDM, i prob would have gained 30lbs -easily)
  • exercise: pre-natal yoga, swimming, hiking, shopping
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chuperman's early bday celebration dinner/tiramesu completion of thesis dinner at Morton's
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Morton's key lime pie and dark choc raspberry souffle cake with some awesome vanilla bean ice cream

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reading my thesis thinking "i can't believe i'm done"

24 week update - Baby Piggie Stats:
  • movement: kicking, punching, elbowing, head-butting, more and more each day
  • gender: Boy
    • the more i talk to friends and read pregnancy literature, it's actually quite common to get an inaccurate u/s reading (especially <20wks)>
    • my color is YELLOW for now until mommie and daddie find out FOR surez that I'm a boy on the day i'm delivered
  • weight: almost 2 lbs
  • length: almost 14 inches
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Annie said...

okay, we will have to skip gelatos and ice cream this about frozen yogurt? does that count? =)

tiramesu82 said...

no no no - i can still have mochilato on sunday! ... im having my glucose test taken on friday morning, so after friday morning i'm in the clear (for now) haha

Unknown said...

you are so bad!!! :) jk. i feel for you girl. i almost died when the doctor put on a diet for a month because of my "healthy weight gain" during my pregnancy. i wasn't having too much sweets...i was just having too much rice and pastas...hahaha.
looking forward to seeing you this saturday.

bikingmama said...

love your outfit! hope the test went well...and happy birthday to isaac! :)