Friday, August 24, 2007

About 1/2 way there!

This morning I got a 20-week U/S. The baby must take after her momma, b/c during the U/S she was swimming, chilling, or sleeping on her belly! haha... She must have been swimming because I swear I saw her wave at me:) Two weeks ago, she was chilling on her back which afforded much better pictures. It was harder to see her this time but we still managed to see her heartbeat, 2 kidneys, spinal cord, brain, eyes, nose, thighs, hands, etc..;) I will post U/S pics later on...

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Review of how momma piggie is doing at 20-wk mark:
movement felt from baby: since week 12! yes really!
weight gain: aproximately 5 lbs
cravings: japanese food (Kitayama and Bento boxes) & the people's food (chinese/taiwanese)
week 5-10: mild nausea, never threw-up, felt sea-sick
week 11 - present: feeling pretty good! a tad moody haha... thanks chuperman for being super patient. i'm so glad you hardly take things personally. i hope lil porkie gets your temperament.
exercise: shopping, shopping, shopping, walking, hiking, swimming, yoga
fleeting beauty moments: i've noticed that my nails are super strong and grow super fast now, before i had the flimsiest nails. i've also noticed that my hair is growing super fast and is really shiny. i also noticed that my mammaries are growing to pornstar status. i'm gonna enjoy this VERY short-lived period haha.
bouts of clumsiness: i had a close-call the other day where i spilled about a 16 oz mug full of ice and water on my desk - luckily my laptop and my thesis got spared from the drench fest.
i'm always banging my knee's, shoulders, hands, arms into a door, desk, wall, car, etc.

Stats of lil porkie at 20-wks:
heart rate: 151 bpm
weight: 11 ounces
length: approximately 6-7 inches
(the nazi U/S lady who was old and super grouchy, didn't want to measure the baby, claimed that the baby's position was unfavorable for measing *whatever*)


Dancing Queen: she was dancing to the tunes of Abba when I saw the show "Mamma Mia"
World Traveler: lil porkie has been on 5 plane-rides in the past 20 wks and zip-lined through Costa Rican rain forest ..."thanks mom, no more please" haha
She was kicking like crazy when we descended into the Bay Area.
Lil porkie was thrilled to be out in Napa wine-tasting with mommy. haha... i only had a few very tiny VERY TINY sips of the most delicious wine haha.
Lil Porkie was excited about getting her pic taken at the U/S this morning and was kicking vigorously prior to the photoshoot.
She falls asleep when I'm working on my not-so-exciting thesis. No kicking whatsoever... "B-O-R-I-N-G.... thesis writing is super boring. mommie, quickly finish up so we can go shopping for me". okie, im trying!!!

I'm going to have some taro cake to celebrate my 1/2 way mark! I'm also going to work on the "results" section of my thesis (yay) and hang out with my cousin's 2 babies and other relatives tonight (5 staying with us!).

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I love the updates! Keep 'em coming! =)

bikingmama said...

halfway already? yay!

Josephine said...

i'm so jealous! i haven't felt any movement and i am at 15 weeks!

tiramesu82 said...

Caroline - you're due in February? How are you feeling?

Michelle - I know it's gone by so fast! A lil scary!

Karen - Yes, I have much more to update on and too many pix to post!