Wednesday, July 9, 2008

6 month vaccination shots...

... not good. On Monday, my lil Jacob got his 6 month vaccination shots. Three of em in the thighs. That was the easy part. Since then, he has developed a mild fever at 100.7 degrees F, just enough to get him royally pissed off at mommy and revert back to the sleeping schedule of a one-month old Jacob with 1.5-2hr sleeping intervals. Naive tiramesu was not ready for this post 6 month check-up misery since after getting 4 shots at both 2 and 4-month check-ups, there was barely any change in his temperament. Who is this cranky baby who ain't feeding or sleeping well? I want my good-natured mild-tempered and happy Jacob back!

cranky, pissed-off baby = cranky, sleep-deprived, beat-up (physically, mentally, emotionally) tiramesu

yearning for....

happy chuperbaby with healthy appetite and sleeps through the night = happy tiramesu = happy wife

Unfortunately, now i can't attend tonight's Wed night women's bible study, not like i had the time or energy to do the homework....

1 comment:

Josephine Morgan said...

oh.. poor chuperbaby! joey had a slight fever after her 2 months shot as well but she ended up sleeping all day and all night.

hope chuperbaby feels better soon so that we can have a play date again.