Tuesday, November 27, 2007


a few things are pretty obnoxious to me this week...

First off, I thought by getting gas on Monday morning, after a long holiday weekend, that gas would be cheaper. Well, even at Costco, the total to fill up my tank was a brutal $81.65. I know some of you are thinking... duh, what do you expect you frickin' snob? I got my car 6 years ago, this is before I started my program in environmental health science haha.. wow.. has it been that long! Don't get me wrong - I love my car - it's safe, fast, excellent for roadtrips and ski-trips, and carries a lot of stuff (can carry an outdoor patio set and 2 bikes - not at the same time tho). however, my next car will DEFINITELY be a hybrid or hydrogen car - something that'll emit less CO2 into our already poor air and won't burn a hole in my pocket on a weekly basis. I like Chuperman's Prius but it's too slow for me, the rear has poor visibility, and I feel kind of unsafe in it. Otherwise, the prius gets excellent mileage, has GPS, and has a carpool lane sticker (meaning driver can drive in carpool lane without any passengers). The Prius is an excellent commuter car - no doubt about that.

Secondly, another reason why this week is obnoxious is because I caught a damn cold. It started out with a sore throat on Saturday. Then yesterday my cold completely escalated to the point where I lost my voice. On top of that I have a nasty cough that really hurts! This is swell, since I'm taking care of 2 small businesses, my parent's house (more to it than you think), and my 8-month pregnant body.

Lastly, some of you know my love/hate relationship with my assistant. (We have a small business where it's just my mom, me, and our assistant) Just some background: She has the biggest heart, she's from the south, loves to eat, at 5'2" she weighs in at approx 250lb, super friendly, introduced me to heart-attack food (southern food), loves to gab, extremely loyal, has great intentions in fullfilling task at hand but gets easily distracted and sometimes does not follow through, spazzes out easily.... you get the pic.. anyway, today my voice is gone b/c i have a cold. So she says "you sound awful", which is true - i sound worse than a bullfrog/sea lion. I shouldn't be allowed to talk today but i had to meet with 2 contracting crews this morning and yes, take care of 2 business. Anyway, then she takes it to another level and adds "you look like crap, no pun intended".. i tried to let that last comment roll off me. in my head i wanted to tell her "you look like you need gastric bypass surgery AND routine lypo", but since i couldn't speak and have a headache from the damn cold - i just pretended she didn't say anything and focused on my work. In a way, her comment brings me back down to earth since i've been getting a lot of "you look beautiful" "you're not that big" "you have great skin" "you look really great for having a boy (oldwives tale is if you're having a boy, the preg mom will get uglier or some BS like that) "you'll be fine"... i know these are all sympathy pregnancy compliments since i have a FAT and not to mention growing butterball stuffed in my belly. i am well aware that after im done being pregnant, that ppl around me won't be as generous with their compliments. it's just apart of life. and yes i know, i have major self-esteem issues regarding my image and rely on the publics approval... which girl can honestly say she does not have a complex about their image?


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better! Annie has also been sick and has a hacking cough...

Josephine said...

yikes, i know how it feels to be so sick and not being able to take anything for it. and YOU LOOK GREAT!

tiramesu82 said...

thanks el gato - hope annie feels better!

how are you caroline? how's the pregnancy going?

bikingmama said...

She probably just had a bad day. I don't know what she's saying though because I think you look Grrrreat! For real! Whereas I, on the other hand, really look like crap all day (not having much time to keep up appearances). :p

Josephine said...

i can't believe i'm in my 3rd tri already and i can't believe you are getting so close to your due date!

2nd trimester was much better but now i am getting tired again. how about you? you seem to juggle a million things and seem to have so much more energy than i have!

mefull said...

joy just doesn't know how to phrase things correctly or maybe she has one of those complexities of putting others down to make herself feel better. no matter what, these compliments are not pregnant sympathy comments - you are beautiful! my family thinks you have EXCELLENT skin complexion, remember?? =D we'll take a lot of walks together after you give birth. =)