Friday, January 16, 2009

#2 chuperbebe!

Some big news - Jacob is gonna be a big bro in about 5 months!! Yup, I'm about 15 weeks pregnant with #2 baby in tow. No, Chuperman and I weren't trying to get pregnant - it just, well, happened haha - OOPS.

It's definitely harder being pregnant for the 2nd time around, at least for me it is. I had pretty mild morning sickness with Jacob, however this time around I feel worse in that most foods turn me off and i also have worse nausea, hence having a spicy temper (sorry chuperman=P ). I'm pretty much limited to soups, cereal, oatmeal, milk, soy milk, some bread, veggies, fruit, NO meat unless it's well-seasoned - I esp crave SPICY food, like spicy korean food, which explains spicy tiramesu hehe. Given my temperament so far, most likely #2 baby will not have big bro jacob's laid back attitude. Having 2 laid back babies in a row just seems like it'd be too good to be true.

Anyway, we're really excited that Jacob will have a younger sibling soon. Jacob and the younger sibling will be approx 18 mos apart. #2's due date is approx early July!


Josephine said...

huge official CONGRATS! i don't know how you do it... you'll have 2 in diapers!

and i can't believe #2 will arrive in July! It's just around the corner!

Unknown said...
