Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jacob Pictures! 9 mos going on 10 mos!!

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Baby Jacob is such a good sport. He really has mommy and daddy's laid back temperament. Jacob let Mommy put 4 Halloween costumes on him. Sure, there's the usual struggle of actually putting on the clothes, especially the limbs, but once the costume is on him, he's good to go! So far we had him in a baby chick costume, donald duck, mickey mouse, and baby male peacock costume hahaa.... I'm going to put him in as many costumes as I can. Chuperman thinks it's excessive, but this is the only time in his life when I can dress Jacob up like stuffed animals:P For Thanksgiving, my goal is to get him a turkey costume:P


Josephine said...

oh my word, jacob is hands down THE most beautiful peacock! =) HAHAHAH, joey does not share the same laid back temperament... she cried the whole time while putting on her shark costume!

Anonymous said...

Jacob must be a real good sport to let you dress him up as a peacock...