the other night i had a nightmare that i was fully pregnant again- my water broke and was about to deliver another baby - what horror! It's just too soon to think of another baby. Especially when Jacob is getting harder to handle! 13 hrs of straight blissful sleep through the night are indeed LONG GONE since like 6 weeks ago... sigh. Lately, a good sleeping stretch on a GOOD night for Chuperbaby is like from 9:30pm - 6:45am. So like from 13 hrs down to 9 hrs straight. We need to work on hitting double digits at night again. I blame teething and yet I haven't seen any signs of em tiny pearly whites. But I do think his gums feel a lil tougher.
Tonight I had to miss women's bible study again b/c I'm beginning to feel sick. blegh.. Whatever Chuperhubby had is what I might be having. Sore throat, fatigue, dry high fever tho which is good. I'd be okay without the fatigue part. Which brings me to my next point.
We're looking for a nanny and we're serious this time! Jacob ain't getting any lighter and my back ain't getting any stronger. All the in'n'out of the car with Jacob to daycare is a lot of hassle, plus since he started daycare, Jacob has turned PRO at building his immunity. He gets sick like once a month. Frankly, I'm burnt out (hence the need to get trashed on my bday haha).
Some good news tho, Jacob can sit up on his own! For instance, he'll start off on his belly and push himself up into a sitting position. So cute to watch fat lil Chuperbaby move around. He's been wearing 2T and 3T shorts/pants since he was 5 months old, not to mention size 5 diapers as well. And today, he wore 24 month PJs. Fits perfectly except that the sleeper is too lenghty and the waistline is a bit snug. Ok, so not perfectly... haha
9 hour stretch? I'm green with envy. The longest Joey has ever gone was 7:30 pm - 2:30 am (only once). Other than that, she goes down at 8 pm, up at 12 am, up again at 4 am, up again at 6 am.
Jacob is soooo strong, I can't believe he is pulling himself up and sitting unassisted! Too cute!
We can go celebrate once you get a nanny. Javiers or Taco Rosa?
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