Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary!..and Yo Yo Ma concert pix....

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to my mom and dad!

If you do some quick calculations - you'd figure out that I'm a honeymoon baby :) :P Through thick and thin, love and hate, bullying in-laws and relatives, temper tantrums, low emotional quotient, stubbornness, nagging, sadness, and joy - they're still working on their marriage, but they love each other, and wouldn't ya know - they're still married! It's hasn't been a walk in the park - but major props to em for stickin' it through!

Yo-Yo Ma Cello Concert

This is a lil delayed - Chuperman and I saw Yo-Yo Ma perform at Segerstrom Music Hall on November 18 (last Sunday). His performance was flawless. Almost makes me wanna cut my nails and practice my violin (needs major restringing tho).

33 weeks pregnant

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By the way, I still don't have my voice back... can't wait for the weekend!!! Happy hump day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the parents! Also, very nice pictures.