(above is a pic of Cupid's gigantic stray arrow - striking the Pier/Embarcadero near the Ferry Building - Farmer's Market. photo taken by Chuperman. click on photo for link to pix from the Bay Area)
Yesterday I hit a wall while trying to finalize some statistics using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) (Please don't ask me to explain this). I decided to go on a long walk to de-stress and to re-gain my momentum, instead I came back from the long walk pretty tired and decided to take "a short power nap" that turned into a whole night's rest plus more! I guess I didn't realize that I've been pushing myself a lot lately.
We've all seen plenty of pregnant women walking around the neighborhood, mall, grocery store, etc... but, have you ever seen a pregnant woman with a belly a size of a canteloupe RUNNING around in the neighborhood? This was me last night. Don't fret, I only ran like 50 meters at the end of my long walk. I couldn't help it, I was super stressed from my thesis and needed to exert some energy. I've forgotten what it's like to run! It sure felt great though! I wonder what the baby thinks of me running... haha.
I've been going full steam ahead this entire pregnancy so far (past 5 months) with moving households, my thesis, pregnancy, traveling, working, entertaining house guests, etc. No wonder I felt so exhausted last night and konked out for 12 hours. I felt much better this morning =D And after an informative 50-minute meeting with my stats professor today, I'm armed with the know-how to finish off the results and discussion chapters of my thesis (at least I think I am - my committee will be the judge of that). Then all I have left is to finalize my references and appendix - ok, I still have kind of a lot to do but at least I'm making progress!
As predicted, I woke-up in the middle of the night at 2:58am for a bathroom break - even though I remembered there was a lunar eclipse going on outside, I figured it wasn't worth stepping outside in the middle of the night - a solar eclipse would be much more worth it.
Labor Day Weekend - pretty much open! I'm so excited to have a long wkend where I can just relax. All I have set is a prenatal massage and perhaps dinner with friends & relatives. I plan to sleep, shop, sleep, eat, sleep, hike around Crystal Cove, sleep, read, sleep, cook, and maybe even catch up on some movies! Btw, the other day my visiting cousin from Taiwan asked me to help her turn on my TV, get this - I actually FORGOT how to turn on the TV. It's been so long since I watched TV. I had to call Chuperman for help. Granted it's a lil more complicated than merely pressing Power On/Off button, but still!
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