Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's all goood...

Bye Bye Roseola! Pardon this delayed post... wanted to let y'all know(those who ain't on facebook) that Michelin baby is indeed feeling a lot better! As the pediatrician predicted, the roseola rash cleared up within 2 days after we saw her or 6 days long days in its entirety. Chuperbaby is back to his normal, happy, and chubby self!

Michelin-tire baby has finally started solids! Actually, Jacob started solids the same day he got his 6 month shots and subsequent fever which lead to roseola. At his 4-month check-up, the pediatrician decided against starting the butterball on solids since he is 30-40percentile points overweight for his height. I haven't had a chance to post pix, but my fat lil baby is comprised of about 20-30 rolls, including 4-5 BACK rolls. I didn't even think it was possible to have so much fat on ones back?! Anyway, Jacob was such a good sport about starting solids, even though he wasn't feeling too well. We first started him off with oatmeal, then rice cereal, then bananas, and now sweet peas. The butterball actually is somewhat pickier than we thought. I thought he'd down everything that came his way but so far he is impartial to oatmeal and sweet peas, anyone would be right? He's so laid back that even if he doesnt love oatmeal or sweet peas, the lil champ will still eat it. Just takes a lil more patience on my part haha. Jacob does like rice cereal and he especially likes bananas. We have sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples lined up in the near future. Naturally, all organic (it's kinda hard NOT to get organic babyfood) Actually, now that I think of it, his first food was the artichoke haha. I know, so mean haha. It was a mere experiment, way before the pediatrician gave us the green light for solids. Judging by the disgusted look on his face, I'm thinking Michelin baby is impartial to artichokes as well.

Apology Note to all of Tiramesu's amigas that are mommies.
Dear friends of mine that are mommies,
Before I gave birth to our lil blessing Jacob, I truly thought that you exaggerated what you were going through. You all told me that you've never been so tired or so exhausted in your entire life. That motherhood is sooo hard. That your life will never be the same. Forget about getting a good nights sleep. It's the point of no return. Well, please accept my apologies for not fully believing you and brushing you off.

I always thought they were all abuncha whiners. I thought that they were just trying to scare me. Back when I was naive and pregnant, I thought.. psshhh... I can handle being a new mom. Doesn't look THAT hard. haha... boy o boy, I've never been so wrong in my life. Even though I'm somewhat athletic, I used to be a baby-sitter in high schoola and college, almost the big 3-0, quasi-educated, and am super blessed to have a lot of awesome family and friends around me - sometimes, especially recently with the whole roseola thing, I find myself literally short of breath at least twice a day from all the demands of being a mommy. There's constant feedings, diaper changes, laundry, bath-time, sleepy-time, stain removal, running errands, cooking, going to work, taking care of everything, and when I have time - I try to read him the Bible and LA Times. Even though I'm totally beat-up at the end of each day and wake-up every morning feeling even more tired then having not slept at all - I actually have an easy baby! I can't even imagine if Jacob was fussy all the time, a light sleeper, and a light feeder. I just know if and when we are blessed enough to have baby#2 (NOT ANYTIME SOON), that he/she will not be as easy as JAcob. I should be and I am really really thankful for my mild-tempered baby. Thank you God!

The good news is that even though I'm doing exactly what all of my mommy friends did to me, which was - to try to scare the living crap outta me, I know that they were just being honest and needed to vent. Back then, I should have given them more sympathy. I always thought they were all abuncha complainers. So back to the good news: the trials and tribulations of being a new mom are complete'ly worth it all. Chuperman and I have never been so happy in our lives. We love being mommy and daddy to Chuperbaby. He makes our hearts melt on a daily basis, especially when he smiles, laughs, giggles, dances, makes funny faces, flips over, I can go on and on. Of course most of the time we are too busy to fully enjoy our bundle of joy, but truthfully, at the end of the day - this is what we've wanted and waited for for our entire lives. Praise the Lord for this miracle. Why is God so amazing?

My frickin' diploma: I thought frickin' UCI was gonna mail me my masters disploma. Apparently they sent me a notification in April to pick-up my diploma from the registrar's office. Nope, never got the notification. The sad part is that it didn't even dawn on me that it's been 10 months since I graduated and I still hadn't received my diploma yet haha. Sometimes I actually still think it's 2007.

BTW, Sorry for being MIA!! I'm gonna try to be better about returning phone calls, emails, text messages, IMs,etc. Hope everyone is doing well! Especially you preggo momma's (tamsters, nidsters, klime!) (apparently, i have a lot of non-posting non-commenting subscribers ... this is good, I'll try to keep up with my posts)

Sweet dreams y'all! To happiness and good health!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Double whammy

Last night, chuperbaby's fever subsided and finally he was in a better mood and regained his appetite. However, this morning his whole body broke into a rash. So luckily Chuperman happened to have the day off today and we all went in to see his pediatrician. We told her how it played out: low-grade fever of 100-101 for first 48 hrs, irritability, loss of appetite, poor sleep, diarrhea, then following the fever onset of generalized rash. The culprit is roseola infantum, a virile infection. Poor lil guy... no wonder he was so miserable! Jacob was dealing with the synergistic effects of both the immunization shots and roseola.

Chuperbaby's appetite is back and his fever is gone - thank God, but he's still wearing cranky pants. It took me 1.5hrs to put him to bed just now. I used various methods to try to calm him down including a new one, pushing him around the house in his bassinet stroller for 30 minutes. Usually, when chuperbaby is a bit fussy at bed-time, Chuperman plays the piano and it usually works like a charm. But tonight the usual tricks didn't really work.

The pediatrician reassured us that roseola is pretty harmless and that the symptoms should go away within 2 days.

I'm not asking for a vacation to Bora Bora or a fancy steak dinner, I just want to be able to sleep for 12 hours straight for once! A massage would also be nice. I noticed that my whole body is becoming increasingly sore. Every morning I wake up to sore joints in my hands. Don't ask me if I want another kid right now! haha.

Gonna squeeze in some rest before chuperbaby wakes up in the middle of the night again.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

6 month vaccination shots...

... not good. On Monday, my lil Jacob got his 6 month vaccination shots. Three of em in the thighs. That was the easy part. Since then, he has developed a mild fever at 100.7 degrees F, just enough to get him royally pissed off at mommy and revert back to the sleeping schedule of a one-month old Jacob with 1.5-2hr sleeping intervals. Naive tiramesu was not ready for this post 6 month check-up misery since after getting 4 shots at both 2 and 4-month check-ups, there was barely any change in his temperament. Who is this cranky baby who ain't feeding or sleeping well? I want my good-natured mild-tempered and happy Jacob back!

cranky, pissed-off baby = cranky, sleep-deprived, beat-up (physically, mentally, emotionally) tiramesu

yearning for....

happy chuperbaby with healthy appetite and sleeps through the night = happy tiramesu = happy wife

Unfortunately, now i can't attend tonight's Wed night women's bible study, not like i had the time or energy to do the homework....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

tiramesu's mommy night out with girls!

I'm alive! The last few wks flew by in a wink of an eye. I didn't even get a chance to stalk, i mean catch-up on other peeps blogs! Man, I'm behind - there's just too much to do and not enough hands. If only I had 8 arms like an octopus, I could really accomplish so much more.

Shoot, this post will be rather brief but better than nothing right?

Flashback to a more carefree time.....
"Sex and the city yo!!"-pic

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After omakase din din at Echigo.

Flashback? Nahhhh... haha. The above pic was taken over the wkend! I took some much needed time for myself to go out with the girls. It was totally what I needed. Just some time to hang out and not have to worry about the next feeding, poopy diapers, bath time, wah wah. The whole night was awesome... getting ready and glammed up was super fun, enjoying a nice baby-free omakase sushi dinner at Echigo in Santa Monica, and watching FMP get thrown into the pool at a club for his bday hahaaa. I must say that even tho I had mounds of fun, it was a lil awkward being at the club without chuperman. I couldn't be more sober cuz i was too cheap to buy more than 1 drink. Btw, we ordered a cocktail and it cost a whopping $12 for mostly ice and juice. Anyway, I've never been so sober at club in my life!! No wonder ppl get pissed drunk at clubs cuz it ain't that much fun when you're completely sober.

When I spent the night at torosushi's place, I really really missed chuperbaby&man. Anyway, it was a super short "vacay" time for me.. only 22 hrs... I'm looking fwd to my next vacation already!

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After ramen brunch on Sawtelle.

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Lil guy's favorite toy! Thx anan and elgato! Michelin baby LOVES his singing blue octopus! He especially likes head-butting the octopus man.

We're celebrating our 3-year wedding anniversary today!! =D =D =D

Have a happy and safe 4th of july!!

More to come....