My sweet boy Jacob:
(click below pic for more pix)

(pic: "a lil out of it" 2nd hr after he came out - nurse burping him)
Birth Date: 10:42am, January 2, 2008
Weight: 7 lbs 2.5oz
Length: 20 inches
9:15pm New Year's Day: water broke!!!
Is it possible that my water broke without having any contractions?? I had no warning signs - my tummy hadn't even dropped yet!
Then, mad dash to the hospital. Good thing we packed our bags.
I didn't know that once my water broke without first having contractings that I only had 24 hrs to deliver the baby.
11:30pm-midnight-ish: I had to be INDUCED. Didn't know that those who get induced normally get an epidural immediately. I was ZERO cm dilated so they had me hooked up to very strong doses of Ptocin (oxytocin) - to encourage contractions and increase dilation. The nurse warned me that b/c my water broke first before having any contractions that the petosin would encourage very painful contractions, more painful than usual. She estimated that I'd have the baby out in the afternoon. Right off the bat, since I was induced and still closed up, I had violent contractions of 2-3 minutes apart. There was nothing gradual about my contractions (like there usually is). Klutching and clawing the rail of the hospital bed, cursing under my breath, trying to breath through each painful contraction, wincing in pain, and then finally crying for help - I endured these nasty contractions for 5 hours straight until i could no longer take the pain. I really really did not want to get an epidural but it was just too hard, especially being induced. I was disappointed that I had to get an epidural b/c I knew my lower back would not like it. But I really had no choice, I had to push my pride aside - the pain was beyond anything I could imagine, especially with all that damn ptocin.
4:30am: 4cm dilated
5am-ish: Epidural administered...sigh.
6-9am: chuperman and i actually got some shut eye through the contractions and while i was getting more and more dilated.
9:15am: my OB checked for dilation - 8-9cms dilated. "-1". He estimated that I'd have the baby out by noon.
10am: moved from labor room to delivery room
10:20am-ish: I felt major pressure and started to push.
Pushed like 15x's or so....
10:42am: Welcome Baby Jacob! I'm a big sap and cried as he came out. I was super happy to meet my baby son=D Thank the Lord for this big blessing. What a milestone. Chuperman and I are super happy, tired, exhausted and getting used to the mommy and daddy thing. A steep learning curve is an understatement. be continued... my baby is getting hungry!
(click below pic for more pix)
(pic: "a lil out of it" 2nd hr after he came out - nurse burping him)
Birth Date: 10:42am, January 2, 2008
Weight: 7 lbs 2.5oz
Length: 20 inches
9:15pm New Year's Day: water broke!!!
Is it possible that my water broke without having any contractions?? I had no warning signs - my tummy hadn't even dropped yet!
Then, mad dash to the hospital. Good thing we packed our bags.
I didn't know that once my water broke without first having contractings that I only had 24 hrs to deliver the baby.
11:30pm-midnight-ish: I had to be INDUCED. Didn't know that those who get induced normally get an epidural immediately. I was ZERO cm dilated so they had me hooked up to very strong doses of Ptocin (oxytocin) - to encourage contractions and increase dilation. The nurse warned me that b/c my water broke first before having any contractions that the petosin would encourage very painful contractions, more painful than usual. She estimated that I'd have the baby out in the afternoon. Right off the bat, since I was induced and still closed up, I had violent contractions of 2-3 minutes apart. There was nothing gradual about my contractions (like there usually is). Klutching and clawing the rail of the hospital bed, cursing under my breath, trying to breath through each painful contraction, wincing in pain, and then finally crying for help - I endured these nasty contractions for 5 hours straight until i could no longer take the pain. I really really did not want to get an epidural but it was just too hard, especially being induced. I was disappointed that I had to get an epidural b/c I knew my lower back would not like it. But I really had no choice, I had to push my pride aside - the pain was beyond anything I could imagine, especially with all that damn ptocin.
4:30am: 4cm dilated
5am-ish: Epidural administered...sigh.
6-9am: chuperman and i actually got some shut eye through the contractions and while i was getting more and more dilated.
9:15am: my OB checked for dilation - 8-9cms dilated. "-1". He estimated that I'd have the baby out by noon.
10am: moved from labor room to delivery room
10:20am-ish: I felt major pressure and started to push.
Pushed like 15x's or so....
10:42am: Welcome Baby Jacob! I'm a big sap and cried as he came out. I was super happy to meet my baby son=D Thank the Lord for this big blessing. What a milestone. Chuperman and I are super happy, tired, exhausted and getting used to the mommy and daddy thing. A steep learning curve is an understatement. be continued... my baby is getting hungry!