Gosh, where do I begin? It's been such a whirlwind.
I got knocked up!
So... I found out that I was pregnant the morning of Mother's Day, May 13th. Originally we wanted to start trying during the summer, however, fueled by peer pressure and wanting to make the cut-off for the Golden Piggy Year - we decided, hey! why not? And here I am, now 15 weeks pregnant - absolute madness - with the baby due January 19, 2008 - barely making the cut-off by about 2 wks. We're going to have a golden piggy's tail. We're really excited to meet the curly-q.
It has been a very interesting and chaotic journey so far. In June, during my 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, we moved across town AND somehow managed to cram in a 6 day vacation in Costa Rica. Can we say crazy? I do not particulary recommend going to Costa Rica when pregnant during the 1st trimester. While CR is gorgeous, the food sucks, there's too many damn bugs, the roads are an absolute disaster (local roads that is), and a hotel employee used my AMEX CC# for a cash advance, which is equivalent to stealing in my book. We did, however, have a great time hiking, swimming, hot spring-ing, zip-lining (scary) and lounging. The resorts we stayed at were amazing - so no complaints about the accomodations.
View from our hotel patio in Fortuna/ Volcan Arenal, Costa Rica:
In hind-sight, I really should have just cancelled the CR trip. A lot of ppl around me were telling me to cancel it, however, I know myself to be a "tough cookie" and besides, the OB said it was okay for me travel, as long as I wasn't having bad morning sickness. Thank God, I didn't get sick, get diarrhea, hurt myself (not too badly at least), die in 12 passenger plane ride (there were moments of regret on this bumpy plane ride) - I didn't even throw-up! In fact, during my first trimester I was super blessed with only mild nausea. Although, at times I'd gag and really felt like I wanted to puke - but nothing came up.
However, let's not get too cocky. Yes, I was lucky that my first trimester went pretty smoothly, but, I just recently learned today that during pregnancy, you lose 8% of your brain cells. Good thing I'm working on my thesis, the time when I most need all of my brain cells (plus more). I have to rely on sheer will-power and the fear of simultaneously delivering my baby while finishing up the damn thesis.
Side note: If I'm hanging out with you during the next 6 months, keep in mind that my brain is maxed out at only 92% of its capacity and that the lil porkie sucks up 200% of my energy. Don't be surprised if you notice that I'm a lil slow and a lil winded. Just do me a favor and get me a Lemonade Vitamin Water and I'll be good to go.
Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester, I have absolutely no more nausea. They say that once you hit your 2nd trimester, you get your energy back. Not for me. Sometimes I wake-up from a full nights sleep (interrupted with periodic bathroom visits) and I still feel exhausted. Well, I don't exactly live a relaxing life either - I still work, go to school, run errands, and grocery shop for my whole family.
Things that I think that I'm doing right for a pregnant person:
- eating well - I've gained 3 lbs during my first 15 wks
- exercise - i try to go on long walks at night whenever possible, i also count shopping as cardio - trying on clothes ain't easy!
- take prenatal vitamins and fish oil
- reading 5 pregnancy books simultaneously
- applying vitamin E oil
- moving households during the 1st trimester
- going on a vigorous vacation to Costa Rica for 6 days
- going on a 12 passenger plane ride during rainy weather
- having sushi - I had a special cucumber salmon roll at Kitayama, a pretty upscale restaurant - luckily i did not get sick
- this one I don't think is a big deal - I had 3 glorious sips of lychee champagne at a wedding during my 12th week
- zip-lining in Costa Rica
- writing my thesis
- eating candy :(
- sleeping on my belly
- CHUPERMAN, you're my hero! I love you my dear hubby. You're amazing and quite possibly the most patient man I know.
- My parents
- all of my friends who are doctors - thank you for the continuous support and advice. I'm still in denial that I have gestational diabetes
- Theresa, thank you for being the best big sis to me. Some of your maternity clothes are getting too small for me already. Of course, I was a good 20-25 l bs heavier than you in the first place. Also wanna thank you for gourmet food.
- Bootie and your mommy for delicious home-cooking:P
- Lee's for delicious home-cooking.
- I thank the big guy for watching over my family. Thank you Lord.
There's been a flurry of visitors lately. I love having my relatives stay with us but talk about exhausting!
Prayer request: I pray for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation for 2 of my dear friends. I pray for a new romance to blossom between 2 of my other friends. I'm trying to play match-maker:) teeee-heeee